Covid Burnout: Things to Think About As We All Burnout
It is fall! And if you have lived in Montana for a while, you can feel the exact day the season’s change, unlike spring where it is anyone’s guess what the next week, day, or hour holds. When fall is here, the smell of the air changes, the wind is fresh and invigorating, the hay is up, and the wildlife is frantically eating as much as possible getting ready for winter. I have always thought of fall as a time of new beginnings: it is back to school, new friends and new sports. The lazy days of summer are fading and we have an entire eight months of winter ahead of us to get things done.
This being said, I can’t remember a time when we were all so excited about starting a new year. I have heard so many people say, “I just want to put 2020 in my rearview mirror and move on.” But how do we move on with the shroud of 2020 still surrounding and affecting our everyday lives? I am finding it hard to plan and imagine the future the way I usually do; there is a feeling of limbo and not knowing. I’m tired of worrying and wondering, and though the election will be over in a few short weeks, and someday there will be a vaccine, and fire and hurricane season will come to an end, with all of this uncertainty, it is hard to plan.
So what do we do when our circumstances make it hard to plan? What do we do when we are tired of wearing masks, and worrying? We take care of ourselves and each other and do our best. Here is an uncomprehensive list of things that have helped us stay on track, stay optimistic and connected with those around us.
Commit to a Morning Routine

1. Meditate, Pray, Feel Grateful (check out apps like Headspace, Calm, Aura and Sattva). Instead of grabbing your phone first thing and hurling yourself into the drama of the day, take a minute and set your intention for the next 16 hours.
2. Shower (even if you aren’t going anywhere).
3. Exercise. I am not an exercise fanatic; in fact, I truly hate going to the gym (so I don’t), but I do know that every day I decide to shut off the TV and go for a long walk, my entire outlook changes. I am calmer, more centered, and I have more space to be helpful to those around me. So I endorse exercise and doing it every day in whatever form that works in your life.
Eat Well
Even if you are cooking for one, take the time to nourish yourself. It is so easy to fall into the habit of preparing whatever is easy and available. But taking the time to cook something that is new signals your psyche that you are special, that today is special, and to savor the moment. (Some meal delivery services include Home Chef, Sun Basket, Freshly, Blue Apron, Plated.)
Call Someone You Love Everyday
With so much in this world dividing and separating us, don’t forget to reach out and connect. Think about people in your life who have lost their job, had to cancel a graduation or wedding, someone you normally would have visited across the country or across town but now cannot. Think about those you know who live in assisted living and cannot have visitors. Think about the people who, without fail, put a smile on your face. Think about them and then give them a call. Today more than ever it is easy to be isolated, so reach out.
Set Down Your Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo News. They are all set up to keep you swiping, clicking, and viewing. These applications are not programmed to only show you things that would be helpful, true, or valuable in your life. Take a break. (If you need more convincing, watch “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix.)
Be Gracious with One Another
Some of us are working full time, raising a family, being a teacher, parent, cook, caregiver, and have never been more busy and tired. Some of us are finding we are isolated, bored, and lonely. Some of us are dealing with great loss, disappointment and fear. Just remember that none of us feel normal and we all are facing our own challenges. So when you have the fortune to connect with someone else, remember to give each other grace. Because regardless of your challenge in this time, the person you are connecting with has their own set of challenges as well.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is a fickle thing. It becomes harder as we age and when we are under stress, but it is essential to performing at our highest level. Having a good sleep routine can be a big help to getting the hours you need.
Taking steps such as:
- Don’t use caffeine in the afternoon.
- Don’t use your phone or watch TV within an hour of going to bed.
- Don’t drink alcohol within 3 hours of going to bed.
- Organize your bedroom.
- Think about your ideal sleeping temperature and how you can create it.
- Review your bedding and mattress and make sure all is ideal for the ways you sleep best.
Stay the Course
We continue to field questions regarding the election and how the results will affect portfolios. Though we cannot predict how any outcome will affect the market in the short term, we have found this chart very revealing. The short answer is that it pays to stay invested through the good, the bad, and the ugly.