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2020 Q4: What's New at The Owen Legacy Group


What's New at the Owen Legacy Group

2020 Q4 Edition: Anne Ashton


On December 5th our lives changed forever. We stopped into urgent care because Charlie was complaining that his leg hurt, we were then rushed to the ER, spent the night in the hospital, and the following day at the Billings clinic with one of two pediatric endocrinologists in the state. Charlie (6) has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. We have learned so much in the past few weeks, like there is nothing we could have done to prevent this from happening, it is not genetic, you do not grow out of having Type 1 diabetes, and there is no cure. We have learned about blood glucose levels and how important they are, and we have learned about carb counting and the wonderful technology that is out there to help us monitor. We have learned how hard it is to give shots to a child who really does not want to get them. We have been scared, and sad, and we have prayed and wondered, why our sweet Charlie?

We are so incredibly grateful that his diagnosis, though permanent, was not terminal. We are impossibly impressed with the support we received from Bozeman Public Schools who have been so wonderful and careful getting Charlie back in school and safely back to being a kid. We have been blessed by wonderful family and friends who have stopped at nothing to show us their support and to let Charlie know how much he is loved. Thank you all for understanding, as I was out of the office more than usual this holiday season.