What's New at the Owen Legacy Group
2021 Q1 Edition: Anne Ashton
To kick off the year, Brenda and her husband signed on the line for the purchase of another lot in their same subdivision, just as the cost of building materials skyrocketed 20-40%. Nothing like buying high! Brenda’s husband Jeff will manage the build, handing her a hard hat along the way, as they plan to break ground sometime this summer. Sadly, as many of you know, on February 14, the Kitto family lost one of the best in a tragic avalanche accident. Craig Kitto, the principal at Whittier Elementary, one of the family’s dearest and closest friends and family member, passed away too soon. The outpouring of love and support for the entire family has come from near and far, and has been absolutely heart-warming and appreciated beyond words. Craig’s big heart was infectious, and he leaves a lasting legacy with the many lives he touched and the memories shared. Interestingly, the same night Craig passed away, Brenda’s family welcomed nine golden retriever puppies, which turned out to be an incredible source of added emotional support during the grieving process. It did, however, make the second annual trip to Mexico with Craig’s family (Lana and girls) a little more logistically challenging, but it worked with the help of other willing family members. The time away was nice as the Kittos soaked up the sun, took a private catamaran to Isla Morales, and found some new joy in the circumstances. To finish out the quarter in style, Brenda visited a client in Las Vegas, adding in a little shopping, great drinks and food, and great company.