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2021 Q3: What's New at the Owen Legacy Group

What's New at the Owen Legacy Group

2021 Q3 Edition



Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager

Anne and her family are in back-to-school mode, the sports of summer are winding down, and the golf clubs and swim suits are put away and traded out for snow suits, soccer cleats and hunting gear. Cole is planning on getting one final golf outing in Vegas and then hunting season starts. Charlie and Margaux are almost done with soccer and were just fitted for this seasons skis. The Owen family is starting to talk about who will be where for the holidays, and with the snow outside, it is much easier to believe that Christmas is less than nine weeks away.





Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager 


Morgan, Marisa and Oliver had an exciting summer and enjoyed doing activities that made things seem like life is getting back to normal. They traveled to both California and Chicago over the last couple of months for two different weddings and took the opportunity to spend some much overdue quality time with family and friends. While in California, Morgan, Marisa and Oliver were able to kick back, relax and explore the coast. They enjoyed the sunshine and dipping their toes in the sand; Oliver especially enjoyed his first trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They are currently enjoying these beautiful Montana fall days and trying to get the most out of them before winter kicks in. 



Associate Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager and Assistant Branch Manager 


The summer months were full for the Kitto family. Brenda and her husband, Jeff, broke ground in June on their new house. They hope to move in sometime early next spring. Jeff will oversee the project and Brenda is in charge of the interior details—if you have any tips, she is open for suggestions. A few camping trips were strategically scheduled avoiding the hot and smoky days; these are always a nice departure from the chaos. And, in August, Brenda became a grandmother for the second time. Piper Reese was born on August 8, and the family couldn’t be more excited to welcome this new little sweetheart into the world. Wrapping up the quarter, Brenda’s girls are back in school and keeping her busy with volleyball and every possible social activity available to middle school children. In October, Brenda will try her luck, again, fishing for pike in North Dakota…fingers crossed! 



Senior Registered Associate


Carrie, Jon and Brody have been soaking up as much of the beautiful fall weather as possible, taking frequent trips to their neighborhood park. At the end of August, Brody celebrated his first birthday by taking his first step, and has graduated to daily sprints around the house while Mom and Dad chase behind. In September, Carrie’s brother and parents joined her for a two-day fly-fishing trip to Rock Creek. While the fishing was not as successful as one might have hoped, the fall scenery and great company made up for it.



Senior Registered Associate


Like many, Leah found it difficult to enjoy the outdoors over the hot and smoky summer. Although it was sparse, she took advantage of any day she was able to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Leah found many projects to keep her busy when she wasn’t hiking or golfing, including finishing her truck, gardening and updating her patio. Since fall has brought the temperatures down, she once again is enjoying her time in the mountains and is savoring every moment as winter starts to move in.