What's New at the Owen Legacy Group
2021 Q4 Edition
Client Associate
2021 found the Owen Legacy Group in the wonderful predicament of growing faster than we anticipated. As you all know, we pride ourselves on being available to you and your loved ones for all of your financial needs. To continue to provide this high level of service, and keep up with our growing business, we have hired a sixth member to your team of financial professionals, Macee Ingraldi. Macee is a Bozeman native, and attended Belgrade High. She then moved to Cheney, WA, to pursue her education for a career in dentistry at Eastern Washington University. She has been working in Spokane in sedation dentistry ever since. But time passes and home calls. Macee recently moved back to Bozeman with her two beautiful girls, Tehya and Piper, and is looking forward to being closer to her family back home in Montana. She will start with the Owen Legacy Group as a Client Associate on January 10th. Please help us in welcoming Macee. Soon you will not remember a time she was not part of your financial team, and we are sure we will all wonder how we managed without her!
Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager
Anne and Cole had a very quiet fourth quarter. They each took their turn fighting a bad cold and hope that 2022 brings longer days and good health. They did, however, get to spend Thanksgiving in Red Lodge, a family tradition for over 40 years. They were blessed to have Cole’s family join them for an early Christmas and celebrate a late Christmas with Anne’s family. Needless to say, 2021 will forever be remembered (by my children) as the year they had three Christmases. They did manage to fit in a birthday celebration for Tim as well. The Ashton’s are all looking forward to 2022, the end of winter break, ski season (now that Bridger is open) and lots of hot cocoa with friends and family.
Senior Registered Associate
Carrie, Jon and Brody were thrilled that the snow finally decided to make its arrival just in time for the holidays! Brody has given up the fight against his hat and mittens and has resigned to kicking back in his “Fawn Runner” sled and enjoying the ride! In early December, the family accompanied Carrie’s parents for a trek up Goose Creek in their search for the perfect tree. They enjoyed a quiet Christmas in Bozeman joined by Jon’s mother from Idaho, Carrie’s parents, and grandmother. Despite the chilly temperatures, they are hopeful for a snow filled January, and are looking forward to all that 2022 has in store.
Vice President, Portfolio Manager and Assistant Branch Manager
Brenda's last few months have been full of building decisions combined with family time and short-term travel. In November, she was able to take a quick trip to Seattle to celebrate Leah’s birthday, and another work trip to La Jolla a week later, where she soaked up the sun, ate amazing food, and even shopped a little. When not at work, Brenda has been busy either decluttering her home for a move in a few months, or making interior design decisions. The goal is to move into the new house sometime this spring, and her husband, Jeff, is working tirelessly to meet and keep on schedule. The deadline is getting tighter every day. In late December, Brenda helped move her daughter, Macee, to Bozeman and is looking forward her joining the Owen Legacy Group.
Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager
Morgan and his family had a wonderful fourth quarter. They moved into a new house in October and experienced their first Halloween on South 3rd. They had a great family Thanksgiving in Red Lodge and a less than quiet Christmas in Ennis with the entire Owen clan. Oliver is now old enough to hold his own for Owen family present opening, which is good because his cousins were not going to help. Morgan has had the opportunity to get out on the slopes a few times and is looking forward to a great ski season. With a few short ski trips planned, and a trip with Anne’s family to Costa Rica in the works, Morgan has a lot to look forward to in the beginning of 2022.
Senior Registered Associate
Leah had a milestone birthday in November and was surrounded by friends and family to celebrate. Anne, Brenda and Carrie surprised her with a weekend away in Seattle for a special dinner at Canlis, a fun day of shopping and countless laughs. She couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend the weekend than with three wonderful women who mean so much to her. To continue the celebration, Chris planned a fabulous surprise dinner party at the Sacagawea with family and friends. Everyone made Leah feel so loved and she couldn’t be more grateful for all those in her life. She is looking forward to enjoying the rest of winter and is hopeful to put a few trips on the calendar this year.